Larissa Summers

Redbird Athletics


Most internships avaliable to graphic design students during my time at ISU were usually only one semester long. I worked there for a year, including over the summer. Working in athletics was exciting, and due to the trust garnered between my mentor and I over the months, many of my projects became more and more unique over time.

This page contains a small sample of projects.

BEAT Stickers

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BEAT St. Xavier Sticker

Stickers given out at the yearly school festival

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BEAT Eastern Sticker

Found one on the door of a student apartment

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BEAT Southern Sticker

Unique Homecoming sticker

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BEAT St. Xavier Stickers

My coworkers joined in on the fun

Basketball Ticket Guide

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Ticket Guide Mockup 1

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Ticket Guide Mockup 2

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Ticket Guide Mockup 3

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Ticket Guide Mockup 4

Email Graphics

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Baseball PACmail

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Men's Basketball PACmail

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Softball PACmail

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Kid's Club PACmail


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Soccer Billboard

Photo taken in person

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Vollyball Billboard Mockup

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Football Billboard

Photo taken in person

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Women's Basketball Billboard Mockup

Clear Bag Policy

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